Orks are an extremely aggressive, crude and war-loving race or green-skinned Xenos. Each Ork is a huge hulking creature that stands a full head an shoulders above standard humans, their bodies are incredibly tough and muscular, able to withstand wounds that would fell a lesser being including losing limbs!
Thriving on chaos and conflict they will fight any and all challengers who stand before them, this could be the Space Marines, T'au empire, Eldar or most commonly other Ork clans. Orks are one of the most numerous races in the entire galaxy, it is possible that they even outnumber most of the other races combined. It is theorised that should the Orks stop fighting each other and unite, they would undoubtedly crush all opposition.
Wielding his mighty Snazzhammer and backed up by his loyal Squig Princess mouted with a Kustom Shoota, Ufthak Blackhawk is a force to be reckoned with.
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